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Rare Bird Gin & Two Glasses Gift Box

Glass type:
Gin Flavour:


In this gift box, you receive a full-sized Rare Bird gin. Choose from one of three flavours; London Dry, Rhubarb & Ginger, or Vanilla Spiced.

Also, choose from two tall Copa de Balon gin glasses or two stemless glasses

Please note that both the tall Copa de Balon glasses and the stemless glasses have slightly changed.
Please see Glasses section for up to date images of Copa de Balon glassware. Awaiting images of stemless glassware.

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Find Us 
The Stable Block  
Talbot Yard  
North Yorkshire 
YO17 7FT  
Tel: 01653 609288  
Wholesale enquiries: 
Opening times 
Monday - Closed  
Tuesday - 10am - 15.30pm 
Wednesday - 10am - 15.30pm 
Thursday - 10am - 15.30pm 
Friday -10am - 16.00pm 
Saturday -10am - 16.00pm 
Sunday - Closed  
Our online shop operates all year round & we offer free delivery on orders over £75.  
Our distillery is open to view, and you can purchase the gin we make onsite. 
We operate a fully licensed bar, and are open to the public all year round. 
V A T N u m b e r 
G B 2 3 6 3 7 5 9 8 7  
V A T N u m b e r 
G B 2 3 6 3 7 5 9 8 7  
T h e S t a b l e B l o c k - T a l b o t Y a r d , M a l t o n , N o r t h Y o r k s h i r e , Y O 1 7 7 F T | V A T N u mber GB236375987 | Tel: 01653 609288 | Email: | For wholesale enquiries, please contact: 
W e a r e a w o r k i n g D i s t i l l e r y , S h o p , B a r a n d G i n S c h o o l .  
Our Distillery is open to view, and you can purchase the gin we make onsite. We operate a fully licensed bar, and are open to the public all year round. 
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